IdN잡지에 보다가 알게된 POST TYPOGRAPHY 라는 그래픽디자인 회사, 타이포그래피나 그래픽, 포스터디자인이 독특하고 멋있어서 홈페이지에 찾아가서 여러가지작품을 더 담아봤다. 회사 소개를 보니, 그들의 작품이 다수의 디자인상을 수상하고 여러가지 그래픽디자인의 서적도 남긴듯 하다.
IdN은 구독비가 조금 비싸긴해도 내용이 알차고 퀄리티좋은 작품들이나 디자이너들의 인터뷰가 많이 실린다. 좀더 찾아보고 포스팅하고 싶은 작품들이 많은데....많이는 못하고 가겠네 ..
Post Typography started out an avant-garde anti-design movement dreamed up by Nolen strals and Bruce Willen. Through it, they planned to rebuke the self-refard and boringness of graphic design. "In the big scheme of thing, graphic design isn't particularly important," say Willen. "Only once in a while do we work on a design project that's atually meaningful beyond the narrow boundaries of the design world, and those project are rarely either high-profile or financially rewarding."
Model Home Client: Artscape
Year: 2004
Lettering treatment and logo for an art exhibition staged inside a temporary house, where different artists created installations in each room.
Letter Blocks Client: Post Typography
Year: 2004
Instead of the traditional cube shape, these hand painted alphabet blocks have two square sides and four narrow, rectangular sides. The square sides feature an exaggerated slab serif alphabet, while the narrow sides alternate between an abstract, condensed alphabet and a sans serif extended one.
2006 Year In Culture Client: The New York Times
Year: 2006
Cover illustration for the Arts&Leisure section's 2006 "Year in Culture" Issue, where the Times' critics discuss the year's cultural highlights. Since this issue was purely retrospective, we created a backwards "2006" in which each number gets progressively smaller, as if one were looking back through the numerals to the beginning of the year. This large mark, centered on the paper's fold, is overlaid against a field of type listing the issue's contents.
Society of News Design: Award of Excellence 2007
High Priority Client: New York Magazine
Year: 2007
Custom lettering done for New York Magazine's weekly "High Priority" feature. We took the "high" part literally.
May Client: Fast Company
Year: 2008
This typographic illustration opened the May calendar section of Fast Company magazine. Using grass seeds and time-lapse photography, we planted and grew the word "May," documenting it over the course of three weeks.
Official Selection, Type Director's Club Typography Annual
Taxlo Client: Taxlo
Year: 2006
Illustration for a DJ performance postcard.
Idol or President? Client: GOOD Magazine
Year: 2008
Each month GOOD Magazine takes a creative and visually compelling look at timely facts and figures. This infographic compares statistics of American Idol voting and viewership to participation in American presidential campaigns, complete with illustrations of a singing McCain and Obama.
Dirty Minds Client: WIRED Magazine
Year: 2007
Steven Pinker's book on language, The Stuff of Thought, theorizes that cursing is hardwired into a primordial part of the brain, that even animals "curse" in the form of a yelp when you step on their tail. Our illustration for this book review weaves a series of curse words into the folds of the cerebral cortex.
JH Film Fest 2007 Client: Johns Hopkins Film Festival
Year: 2007
The 2007 JHFF poster features a mutant Baltimore rat attacking a tower of typography. To harness the true glory of anaglyphic printing, we drew the tower from two angles so that it leaps off the page. Each poster comes with a pair of 3D glasses.
JH Film Fest 2002 Client: Johns Hopkins Film Festival
Year: 2002
Beards Rule Client: Susquehanna University
Year: 2005
Poster promoting a design lecture given by Post Typography at Susquehanna University. It being the middle of winter in the mountains of Pennsylvania, we grew impressive beards to help stave off the cold.